Thursday, February 2, 2017

Dawn of the 29th Day: Top 10 Unsettling Moments in Zelda

For games that are largely rated E, The Legend of Zelda has certainly contained some creepy or unsettling moments that can affect the player even when rendered in 64 bit graphics.  While Zelda is largely about adventure, sometimes those adventures take Link to some very odd and dark places.  These are the moments or themes that stuck out.

10.  Arbiter's Grounds (Twilight Princess)

Out of this entire dungeon in Twilight Princess, there are several chill inducing aspects that I've wrapped all into one spot on this list.  First off, you have the invisible rats.  Link will be running around in Wolf mode, only to start taking random damage and find himself slowed way down.  The first time this happened to me, I remember not being able to figure out what was causing it, until I turned on my Wolf senses and found the cause; dozens of ghost rats clinging to my body!  Another unsettling part about this dungeon are the Poes, which unlike their toonish design from the 64 games, have elongated humanoid mouths, dead eyes, and long grasping arms.  And when you find them, they seem to whisper some nondescript words before coming at you.  Wrap up this entire dungeon with the fact that it's Hyrule's prison and torture chamber, along with the other terrifying enemies like Stalkins and Redeads, and you have level that won't easily leave the player's mind.

9.  Elegy of Emptiness (Majora's Mask)

This is the song used to create a statue replica of yourself in order to weigh down switches in Stone Tower Temple.  Sounds fine on paper.  Except for the replica of Link looks like something out of a child's nightmare.  I won't go into too much description; I'll let the picture below speak more fluently than I ever could.

8.  The Shadow Temple (Ocarina of Time)

The music.  The atmosphere.  The enemies.  And something about sailing across a boat to the land of the dead is quite thematic.  I always loved how much the Lens of Truth is used in this dungeon as well.  I already mentioned its one of my favorite items, and the Shadow temple is a large reason why.  I love the sense of mystery and knowing that there are always secrets, even if you can't see them.

7.  Shadow Link (Ocarina of Time)

This isn't really an inherently unsettling moment for a lot of Zelda fans, but the Water Temple in its entirety always gave me the creeps.  The most intriguing aspect of it would certainly be the moment you walk into a room that's unlike anything you've seen up to that point.  Suddenly, you're surrounded by a white clear lake and you seem to have no problem walking across it.  The only objects that stand out are the doorway out and an island with a single tree.  You pass the island and walk to the end of the room, not noting any way forward.  As you turn back, you notice your own reflection is no longer cast on the water, and a shadowy figure stands against the tree, waiting for your return.  Your own shadow has escaped to fight you.  This could be a horror film concept in its own right.

6.  The Moon (Majora's Mask)


5.  Giant Eels (Majora's Mask)

I'll admit that I have a slight case of thalassophobia (the fear of open waters) and giant sea creatures are a reason why.  Being out of your element, helpless in the water, up against a threat much larger than you that you can't even see... the thought never fails to send chills down my spine.  The giant eels in Majora's Mask managed to tick all of those boxes, and staring into their glowing eyes as they lunge from their hideouts towards you always made this section of the game a nightmare.

4.  The Happy Mask Salesman (Majora's Mask)

The man sells masks... that's all you need to know.

3.  Wallmasters (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)

The Forest Temple itself is already quite a creepy area.  The ambiance of the music and the dark lighting makes the place feel ancient and haunted.  The first time you walk into a certain room, you hear the sound of the wind rushing louder and louder.  You see Link's shadow grow bigger and bigger until a monstrous severed hand drops to the ground to attack.  What's worse is that grabbing you will bring you back to the opening room.  These enemies aren't just terrifying to look at, but they also threaten all of the progress you've made up until that point.  A true sense of dread.

2.  ReDead Scream (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker)

A terrifying scream at an unexpected moment can be a good shock.  Ocarina's ReDeads in Castle Town always scared me as a kid, but nowadays, the scream they use sounds like a re-used soundbite from a 60's Horror Schlock film.  Wind Waker, however, brought back a bit of terror to the ReDead scream.

1.  Dead Hands (Ocarina of Time)

The Dead Hand was an obvious pick for this list, especially at the top spot.  The oddly shaped pale body and it's grotesque movement only set the stage for this abomination.  It's own severed hands reach up from the ground to hold you in place while it presses its attack.  Once it leans its head down, you see the clownish smile and the unhinged jaw; this is more alien than monster and no Zelda game has conjured up a creepier image.

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