Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dawn of the 26th Day: Top 10 (Regular) Enemies in Zelda

Now it's time to reflect on all the cool enemies in Zelda.  This list won't include Mini-Bosses or Bosses (we'll save those lists for another day).

10.  Beamos (various)

The Beamos always make for an interesting fight, and there are usually various ways to defeat them across Zelda games.  My favorite Beamos are definitely the ones in Skyward Sword, which require hacking their totem-pole structure down to your height so you can deliver a stab to its eye.  Once you get the Bow, however, you can make quick work of them with well-shot arrow.  My only wish is that in games where you have the Mirror Shield, you'd be able to reflect their lasers back at them.  That would make the shield feel much more useful outside of Boss Fights and reflecting light puzzles.

9.  Dodongos (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)

Dodongos are big fire breathing lizards with typically vulnerable tails.  These are the first enemies that really teach you about positioning and using the Z-Targeting to your advantage.  They do a lot of damage though, so you need to be careful facing them early in the game (which is really the only time you face them).  Mosty, I just enjoy their design and as a kid, they always felt intimidating enough that I felt very satisfied whenever I killed them.

8.  Moblins (various)

These spear wielding foes have been a staple of the series for a long time, but my favorite iteration are probably the ones that appear in the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time.  These were always the most terrifying to takedown because they'd constantly be stalking around the corners of the hedge maze, and if you weren't careful, they'd charge you right into the water.

7.  Octoroks (various)

Another staple to the Zelda series, taking on different forms; sometimes aquatic, sometimes on land.  There isn't too much to say, but I always appreciated their inclusion in each game.

6.  Bokoblins (Wind Waker)

Smaller than Moblins, but scrappier, I always loved their design in Wind Waker.  They're never threatening and mostly exist to make Link feel better about his skills.  Nothing is more enjoyable than cutting through a mob of these guys like they're made of paper.

5.  Wolfos (Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time)

I'd love to see these guys make a return in more Zelda games.  I love their werewolf like appearance; they run like a wolf, but clearly have bigger hind legs meant to support bipedal attacks.  An updated version in a new Zelda game could be terrifying and wonderful.

4.  Stalchildren (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)

These guys always terrified me; having them spawn while running around Hyrule field at night was a surprise I was not anticipating.  And their chuckling laugh whenever they strike is enough to make you want to keep your distance.  But Majora's Mask showed a new side of them.  Wearing the Captain's Hat allowed you to actually interact with them, and after that, I found them kind of cute.

3.  Floor Masters (various)

A satisfying enemy to beat.  This monstrous, clawed hand looks intimidating and splits into a bunch of baby Floor Masters upon death.  It's nothing too special, but I've always considered them satisfying to kill.  They were one of the enemies I could justify using Din's Fire on!

2.  Re Deads (various)

Zombies appearing in a Zelda game isn't as far-fetched as it would seem.  The undead is a common theme within the games.  But the Re Deads are dreadful from their appearance down to their mannerisms.  The way they hardly move, staring blankly at the ground until provoked.  The chilling scream that freeze's Link in place, and their terrifying latch attack that renders you helpless.

1. Stalfos (various)

Skeleton warriors are an enticing concept and I enjoy all of the different forms they've taken through the series.  Skyward Sword used them to help the player perfect their sword swings and their encounters in Wind Waker were tough.  They always seemed to serve as a nice benchmark to test the players skills and show you that you've made it to the later dungeons of the game.

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