Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lazy Sunday Games

Just doing a light jog down memory lane.  I recall my weekends as a kid; a busy week of school, little league games, band concerts, and boy scouts. I had quite the packed schedule for a 12 year old.  Saturdays I'd spend the afternoon outside with friends or getting ready for a baseball game, and my parents really didn't care for me playing video games when I could be outdoors.  But Sunday, even in our busy family, was always universal "Lazy Day."  My dad and I would catch the football game (and fall asleep to it), my sister would be in her room listening to music, my mom would do some reading, and I finally had quality time for gaming.

At this point, my Nintendo 64 ought to have been made of precious gold.  And those graphics!  Oh man, you better believe my prepubescent mind was blown away by the number of polygons they shoved into Link's pointy ears.  I owned most of the essentials; Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (Han Solo, eat your heart out; Dash Rendar did it all!).  I'd relax in the living room, sun beaming through through the curtains (causing the most atrocious glare on our gigantic tube TV) and dive into my quest.  Why would I spend my Sunday being a bored little kid when I could be Dash, flying around the canyons on my jet-pack and having a gentleman's duel with Boba Fett?

Today, I still take Sunday to ease my way out of one week and into the next with some gaming.  Waking up with a flip of my 3DS to check on my town in Animal Crossing New Leaf, I let my mind slowly come to attention with a casual experience.  From there, perhaps I'll do a little grinding in Dragon's Crown or replay a section of The Last of Us.  If I'm feeling particularly ambitious, I'll turn to Dark Souls to give my ass a bit of a kicking (but dammit if I don't get a little turned on by the abuse).  Whether extremely difficult or completely without challenge, I love Sunday gaming.  The callback to my life over a decade ago keeps me in tune with my inner child (and inner adult).  Its a way to unwind and take some time to explore your games without the guilt that plagues a busy week.

So on this Sunday, I say game on, because come Monday our lives start buzzing by.  Why be yourself today when you could step into the shoes of Master Chief, or Nathan Drake for a few hours and save the world?

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